50-year-old patient, hypertensive, dyslipidemia, hypothyroid, BMI at 38 Kg/m2 ,
-diagnosed with pulmonary adenocarcinoma with bone metastases.
-Palliative chemotherapy has been indicated with cisplatin (platinum salts) and ALIMTA (anti-metabolite)
-Two days after the 3rd cure, she had presented a generalized edematous syndrome . No dyspnea or chest pain.
- blood pressure: 110/80, HR 96 bat/min, No sign of left or right HF, SpO2 94%
-EKG: sinus tachycardia. LVEF =60%, no RV dilatation
- Biology: WC at 7800, Hb at 11.8 g/dl, platelets 266 000, Creatinine 54 mmol/l, D-dimer 2355 ng/ml
Angio CT: proximal bilateral pulmonary embolism, without signs of severity
apical lung mass. Multiple secondary lung nodules. Multiple secondary bone lesions.