- 11:00
Hypertension, what to learn in 2023?
Sponsorisé par
A Ben Hmida, A Belhani, R Boujneh, S Kammoun, H Baccar, S Abdessalem
Hypertension in a stroke setting : go slowly, go Hard ?
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A Bennis (MAR)
Hypertension management in cancer patients?
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B Von Kemp (BEL)
New Tools in Hypertension management ?
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G Ehret (CHE)
Valve disease assessment and decision: Let’s be practical !
Modérateurs :H Drissa, S Kraiem, F Mghaieth, S Longo
2023 ESC Guidelines on endocarditis : the hotlines
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B Iung (FRA)
Tricuspid valve disease, what do we learn in 2023?
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D M Zeitoun (CAN)
Asymptomatic severe valve disease: treat or wait?
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M Bouziane (MAR)
Mitral regurgitation and LV dysfunction: How to manage?
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M Drissa (TUN)
Left ventricular outflow Obstruction
Modérateurs :A Abid, F Abid, F Ghedira, F Ouarda, C Kortas
When should we operate sub aortic stenosis?
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D Abid (TUN)
Should congenital valve stenosis be dilated or operated ?
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E Neffati (TUN)
What surgical options for LVOT obstruction?
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M Hakim (TUN)
- 12:00
Dyslipidemia, New targets, New weapons!
Sponsorisé par
M Daoud, H Drissa, A Mahdhaoui, F Addad, K Ben Hamda, A Bennis
Treat to target or with intensity!
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F Triki (TUN)
The residual risk: Time to act!
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G Ehret (CHE)
Should we endorse new targets without new drugs?
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M Alami (MAR)
Latent cardiomyopathies
Modérateurs :M Aloulou, S Ben youssef, W Ouechtati, K Taamallah
Don't Forget Cardiomyopathy in obstructive sleep apnea patients
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H Hadj Amor (TUN)
Scelordermia & CVD: new concepts & new solutions
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JJ Monsuez (FRA)
Cardiomyopathy in diabetic patients: the key messages !
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K Mzoughi (TUN)
Silent ischemic cardiomyopathy: how to manage?
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N Ben Hlima (TUN)
Let’s make the right decision in Cathlab !
Modérateurs :W Wijns, F Drissi, Z Smiri, D Lahidheb, S Boudiche
Provisional stenting optimization: should we care about the side branch in 2023!
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A Bahloul (TUN)
Coronary imaging to guide PCI implantation
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A Colombo (ITA)
Isolated ostial circumflex stenosis: how should we manage?
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A Ech-Chenbouli (MAR)
An ischemic intracoronary bridging!
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M A Bouzid (DZA)
The AV junction in the spotlight
Modérateurs :A Abid, D Abid, S Abid
The anatomy and embryology of the AV junction
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R Gargouri (TUN)
The complete balanced atrioventricular canal: the surgeon's point of view
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F Ghdira (TUN)
- 12:30
Achievements and Perspectives of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Tunisia
Sponsorisé par
F Abid, A Mahdhaoui, D Abid
Achievements and Perspectives of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Tunisia
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F Ouarda (TUN)
Achievements and Perspectives of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Tunisia
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I Ben Ghorbel
- 13:30
Saga of antithrombotic treatment in interventional Cardiology
Modérateurs :W Wijns, H Gamra, M S Mourali, K Battikh, R Hammami, MA Bouzid
Clopidogrel in CCS: the game is Over?
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O Bheleel (LBY)
ACS, a monotherapy from the outset: facts or fakes
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F Addad (TUN)
Aspirin in coronary artery disease: is it still king of the ring?
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A Bouraghda (DZA)
DOAC in coronary artery disease: a new paradigm!
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S Boudiche (TUN)
Session conjointe
Cardiac Stimulation Challenges in Africa
A Moustaghfir, R Chettaoui, S Jarmouni, E Allouche
NATURE-CIED reveals cardiac pacing secrets in Tunisia
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S Chabrak (TUN)
Leadless pacing indications in 2023
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S Ouali (TUN)
Does LBB pacing overtake CRT?
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N Echahidi (KSA)
ICD implantation in African context
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M Aboulmaaty (EGY)
Optimizing Medical treatment in Heart failure: Difficult situations
Sponsorisé par
R Ennouri, I Chahbani, H Bouraoui, S Milouchi, M Alalmy
My patient has hyperkaliemia
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H Ben Slima (TUN)
My patient has hypotension
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W Bsata (SYR)
My patient has renal failure
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A Bennis (MAR)
How to manage mrEF and imEF HF patients?
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A Badr (QTA)
Zoom on a Picture in Pediatric Cardiology
Modérateurs :F Maatoug, K Hakim, R Gribaa
DORV; a comprehensive diagnostic approach is required for tailored surgical management
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I Ben Ali (TUN)
Correction in one or two ventricle?
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R Gargouri (TUN)
Correction in one or two ventricle?
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A Ben Hamad (TUN)
Always child at 70 years old
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S Abid (TUN)
- 14:30
Interventional Cardiology: What could change my practice in the future ?
Modérateurs :E Boughzela, M Gilard, J Langar, Z Ibn El Hadj, S Charfeddine, A Bouraghda
The drug eluting balloon: the attractive “leave nothing behind” concept!
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H Gamra (TUN)
Let’s know more about new Scaffolds!
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M Mamas (GBR)
The emergence of image -based coronary physiology
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W Wijns (BEL)
Resistant lesions: orbital, rotablator or shockwave
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J Monsegu (FRA)
Session conjointe
How to optimize Diabetic patient CV risk
Sponsorisé par
JJ Monsuez, K Bouslama, L Bazdeh, M Mnif
Glycemic variability, is it worth the cost?
Vidéo disponible
F Mnif (TUN)
First Line: Metformin the king of the ring?
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M Jmal (TUN)
First Line: iSGLT2: is my first choice ?
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S Milouchi (TUN)
First Line: GLP1 agonist: is my first choice ?
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P Valensi (FRA)
Mitral valve prolapse: what can we learn in 2023?
Modérateurs :SE Hajri, Y Ben Ameur, N Hajlaoui, W Ben Ali, N Hermi
Sudden cardiac death: How to predict ?
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M Enriquez-Sarano (USA)
Sudden cardiac death: How to prevent ?
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A Ben Halima (TUN)
How to repair a mitral valve prolapse: Percutaneously or surgically?
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M Pellerin (CAN)
Artificial Intelligence in Cardiology: Thinking outside the black box (Cardiologist of Tomorrow)
Modérateurs :S Abdessalem, R Hammami, T Abbes
AI toolbox for the cardiologist
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B Bouhamed (TUN)
AI in Cardiology in Maghreb: what was done and what could we do !
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M Alami (MAR)
DeepCath: a Tunisian AI solution
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A Ghrab (TUN) A Bahloul (TUN)
- 15:30
Burning questions in heart valve disease
Modérateurs :R Mechmeche, S Kraiem, L Zakhama, M Marouane, N Laredj, N Doghmi
Beyond Aortic Stenosis: Challenges of Multivalvular Disease Assessment
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L Bezdah (TUN)
Update in Ischemic mitral regurgitation
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H Drissa (TUN)
Multimodality imaging in heart valve disease
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Y Arous (TUN)
TAVR in African context
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S Mourali (TUN)
Active cancer: embarrassing settings!
Modérateurs :F Ben Ayed, W Fehri, I Kammoun, I Elalamy
Biomarker disorders: act or wait?
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K Taamallah (TUN)
Thrombosis and thrombopenia: what embarrassing!
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C Frere (FRA)
A chest pain: go far?
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B Von Kemp (BEL)
Anticoagulation: A must-attend Session
Sponsorisé par
N Marsit, A Ben Hlima, W Ayadi, N Hamrouni, A Moustaghfir
Role of DOACs in Valvular Heart Disease in 2023
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M Ntsekhe (ZAF)
Minor Bleeding while under DOAC: how to manage?
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R Chattaoui (TUN)
DOAC management in surgical context
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K Battikh (TUN)
Ischemic Stroke under DOAC: how to manage?
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Di Smadja (FRA)
Chronic Coronary Syndrome: disease burden, evidence-based diagnosis and treatment approaches in Africa
Sponsorisé par
MM Sahnoun, F Addad, A Noamen
African perspectives on epidemiology, risk factors and diagnosis
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R N'guetta (CIV)
What could be the optimal medical therapy in the management of chronic coronary syndrome?
Vidéo disponible
H Gamra (TUN)
Chronic coronary syndrome in Africa: creating regional data- challenges and opportunities
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A Dzudie (CMR)
- 16:00
Advancing Anticoagulation: Exploring Apixaban's Efficacy, Safety, and Distinctiveness in Thrombosis Management
Sponsorisé par
H Drissa, H Kammoun, R Hammami
Exploring Apixaban's Efficacy, Safety, and Distinctiveness in Thrombosis Management
Vidéo disponible
- Mpiko Ntsekhe (ZAF)
- 17:30
Heart Failure 2023 updates
Modérateurs :S E Hajri, Y Ben Ameur, F Addad, I Kammoun, B Kichou, K Mzoughi
The new algorithm (s) to manage HF-pEF
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L Abid (TUN)
HF-rEF: how to sequence, how to up titrate in 2023?
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A Bayes Genis (ESP)
Hemodynamic assessment in HF-REF !
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S Abdessalem (TUN)
CRT-D/P in the era of new therapies
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M Aboulmaaty (EGY)
The Chronic Coronary Syndrome : unresolved issues
Modérateurs :A Mahdhaoui, B Boukhris, H Kammoun, A Bahloul
PCI : useful or useless ?
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R N’guetta (CIV)
New medical therapy: fact or fake
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M Abdelhamid (EGY)
The coronary sinus reducer: a promising tool for the refractory angina
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M Boukhris (FRA)
CV rehabilitation: the last promise in CCS!
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I Hadj Khlifa (TUN)
Surgery Session: the Must, the Best in 2023
Modérateurs :H Thameur, I Frikha, S Chenik, A Khayati, A Tarmiz
Arterial Conduits for Grafting Coronary Arteries; Surgeons’ Pride
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R El Oakley (LBY)
Robotic surgery: must or must not!
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U Uthman (KSA)
Conservative surgery in endocarditis: is it the new gold standard?
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M Pellerin (CAN)
Simulation &AI in cardiac surgery
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W Ben Ali (CAN)
My Success Story, My Nightmare in Cathlab
Modérateurs :R Kasri, Z Grati, M Hadrich
A very heavy lesion "Un pont en béton !"
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A Siala (TUN)
Aortic coarctation stenting in a patient with cardiogenic shock !
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S Ouannes (TUN)
Is it too simple ??!
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A Khorchani (TUN)
Catch me if you can ...
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Z Ben Ali (TUN)
- 18:00
DAPT strategies in HBR patients
Sponsorisé par
R Boujnah, H Gamra, M Marouane, K Battikh
DAPT strategies in HBR patients
Vidéo disponible
- M Mamas (GBR)
- 18:40
The Main Session
Sponsorisé par
K Ben Hamda, Z Ibn El Hadj, A Bahloul
The Cathlab of the future
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M Gilard (FRA)
A Wonderfull Woman Success Story : Positive vibes
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A El Hedda (TUN)
- 09:30
Session conjointe
Interventional Cardiology: The Acute Coronary Syndrome overview
W Wijns, S Abdessalem, M Abdelhamid, L Abid, H Gamra, G Bennouna
ACS with non-significant lesion: The vulnerable plaque paradigm!
Vidéo disponible
D Itchhaporia (USA)
ACS with normal angiogram: Should we care about microcirculation assessment?
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D Itchhaporia (USA)
ACS: the complete revascularization debate
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Z Ibn El Hadj (TUN)
ACS with cardiogenic shock: news about cardiac assistance in cathlab !
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F Bader (ARE)
How to manage a cancer Patient
Modérateurs :J Alexandre, M Drissa, S Chenik, S Charfeddine
With LV dysfunction
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I Kammoun (TUN)
With QT allongement
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A Kachenoura (DZA)
The future of anticoagulation in a cancer patient
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I Elalamy (FRA)
Who finished the oncologic treatment
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M Mirabel (FRA)
Lifestyle-based prevention: New evidences!
Modérateurs :T Cherif, K Fourati, H Denguir, H Ben Slima, Z Bennoui
Low Sodium Diet: Should or Shouldn’t?
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A Kane (SEN)
Coffee, Tea and Chocolate .. and cardiovascular risk!
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JB Anzouan Kacou (CIV)
Alcohol and cardiovascular disease: the rational?
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A Joulak (TUN)
The intermittent fasting: one size fits all!
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M Mnif (TUN)
Session conjointe
Cardiovascular diseases in Africa
E Neffati, E Ogola, A Mahdhaoui
Surgical Mitral valve repair in rhumatic disease
Vidéo disponible
Ab Abid (TUN)
Stroke Thrombolysis in African Context
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M Dammak (TUN)
- 10:30
Session conjointe
Atrial Fibrillation Screening and Management
S Kachboura,Y Ben Ameur, S Chabrak, R Chettaoui, S Krichen, B Kichou
When to ablate asymptomatic AF?
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A Moustaghfir (Mar)
When not to anticoagulate AF?
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A Haggui (TUN)
What news about AF at the ESC 2023?
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C Leclerq (FRA)
Screening of AF by photoplethysmography (PPG): Pros & Cons
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W Amara (FRA)
How to manage cardiac acute complications in Cancer Patients
Modérateurs :H Drissa, W Fehri, C Frere, M Ben Hlima
Cancer and Acute Coronary Syndrome
Vidéo disponible
E Bennour (TUN), I Kammoun (TUN)
Cancer and Atrial Fibrillation
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J Alexandre (FRA)
Cancer and Acute heart failure
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S Chenik (TUN)
Cancer and venous thromboembolic complications
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I Elalamy (FRA)
The raised questions in coronary syndromes!
Modérateurs :J Langar, L Hached, H Ben Ahmed, K Ben Jomaa, T Elkateb
CT scan: don’t underestimate this tool in 2023!
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R Senoussaoui (DZA)
Viability and hibernation concepts, are they still viable ?
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A Daib (DZA)
Multivessel disease: how to revascularize in 2023?
Vidéo disponible
A Ben Abdessalem (TUN)
INOCA: The new answers?
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C Hamza (TUN)
Session conjointe
Heart Failure in Africa – New evidence, knowledge and gaps
G Jeridi, A Toure, K Sliwa
PASCAR Heart Failure in Africa – New evidence, knowledge and gaps
Vidéo disponible
A Damasceno (MOZ)
Heart failure in women special consideration for African populations
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ARNI in HF: The new perspectives
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A Elneihoum (LBY)
- 11:00
Patient more vulnerable, Apixaban more favorable?
Sponsorisé par
Y Ben Ameur, S Kacem, S Milouchi, M Drissa
Patient more vulnerable, Apixaban more favorable?
Vidéo disponible
I Elalamy (FRA)
- 12:00
Opening Session
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- 13:00
SGLT2 Inhibitors
Sponsorisé par
F Addad, S Abdessalem, F Trik
Real-Life Experience and Insights
Vidéo disponible
A B Genis (ESP)
- 14:00
Session conjointe
Hypertension in African Context
Sponsorisé par
W Wijns, A Moustaghfir, A Damasceno,K Sliwa, A Mahdhaoui, L Zakhama
The global burden of hypertension
Vidéo disponible
N Poulter (GBR)
The Challenges of hypertension control in Africa
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E Ogola (KEN)
Treatment of hypertension in the black patient
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A Dzudie (CMR)
Consensus statement on hypertension in blacks
Vidéo disponible
N Ntusi (ZAF)
Heart Valve Prosthesis : Key Updates
Modérateurs :W Fehri , L Bezdah, I Trabelsi, A Farhati
Pitfalls in TTE assessment of heart valve prosthesis
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F Mghaith (TUN)
CT - MRI : so valuable for patients with heart valve prosthesis?
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W Feki (TUN)
3D Transesophageal echocardiography: when is it useful?
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D Attias (FRA)
Para-prosthetic leak: How to resolve percutaneously?
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S Hascoët (FRA)
DOAC, Meet the experts : a contempory Relook at Lingering Issues
Modérateurs :K Bouslama, N Ben Hlima, M Akrout, T Ghrairi, M Bouziane
DOAC in renal failure: fear or go further?
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L Fauchier (FRA)
DOAC in Elderly & Children
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N Henine (DZA)
DOAC and Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis in medical settings? should or shouldn’t?
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E Allouche (TUN)
DOAC and drug interaction
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T Delassi (DZA)
My "Nightmare" in Cathlab
Modérateurs :M Sahnoun, A Maalej, Y Ellouze
A left main dissection: How to manage?
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W Saoudi (TUN)
An uncommon complication of a bifurcation lesion !
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M Ben Massoud (TUN)
Not one but Two, what should we do ?
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A Maalej (TUN)
No much Time to react!
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H Ben Salem (TUN)
- 15:00
2023 ESC guidelines : What to learn?
Modérateurs :R Boujnah, H Drissa, M S Mourali, F Addad, S Abdessalem, L Abid
2023 ACS ESC guidelines: The hotlines
Vidéo disponible
M Gilard (FRA)
ACS ESC guidelines in practice
Vidéo disponible
S Charfeddine (TUN)
2023 HF ESC guidelines: The hotlines
Vidéo disponible
A Bayes Genis (ESP)
HF ESC guidelines in practice
Vidéo disponible
H Bouraoui (TUN)
The Hotlines of Venous Thrombosis management in 2023 !
Modérateurs :L Slimane, J J Mensuez, I Ben Ameur, W Bouzir
How to manage the superficial venous thrombosis?
Vidéo disponible
O Kammoun (TUN)
How to investigate the recurrent veinous thrombosis?
Vidéo disponible
K Bouslema (TUN)
Antiplatelet therapy in venous thrombosis prevention: a must take or a mistake?
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H Denguir (TUN)
Thrombophilia: DOAC-VKA battle!
Vidéo disponible
F Frikha (TUN)
Surgery Session: Heart Valve Disease in African context
Modérateurs :S Ben Youssef, S E Hajri, R Denguir, A Jemel, A Dammak
Surgeon’s View of The Current Guidelines for Management of Heart Valve Disease
Vidéo disponible
R El Oakley (LBY)
How to optimize rheumatic multivalvular disease surgery?
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K Boye (MRT)
Heart Valve Disease with LV dysfunction: when to surrender?
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D Boumzebra (MAR)
Surgical Aortic valvuloplasty techniques in Aortic regurgitation
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N Khalil (FRA)
My “Success Story” in Cathlab
Modérateurs :S Fourati, M Jamaa, H Ibn Hadj Amor
Percutaneous closure of an aortic aneurysm rupture
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J Langar (TUN)
Apparences are deceptive. One Clinical case.
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R Cherradi (MAR)
A multirecivist Left Main
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M Bouafia (DZA)
The TAVR that got away!
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H Ben Ayed (TUN)
- 15:30
Triple single pill combination
Sponsorisé par
F Addad, A Joulak, L Abid
When, How and for Whom?
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N Poulter (GBR)
- 16:00
Sacubitril-Valsartan in Heart Failure
Sponsorisé par
S Abdessalem, L Abid, K Battikh
from HF-REF to HF-PEF, Time to Act!
Vidéo disponible
D Itchhaporia (USA)
- 17:30
The pearls of Acute heart failure management
Modérateurs :A Mbazaa, I Chahbani, I Kammoun, L Abid, S Anker, F Bader
Echocardiographic pitfalls to assess acute heart failure
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H Suleiman (GBR)
Should we care about Hemodynamic monitoring?
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M Ferjani (TUN)
How to optimize IV drugs?
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W Mullens (BEL)
How to optimize mechanical support?
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A Tirouvanziam (FRA)
The Functional Mitral Regurgitation: How to Manage ?
Modérateurs :K Mzoughi, M Mezghani, M Abdennadher, A Tarmize
Ultrasound imaging toolbox
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N Doghmi (MAR)
OMT and CRT: the first line therapy
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M Ben Halima (TUN)
Go percutaneously
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R Gallet (FRA)
Go with minimally invasive surgery
Vidéo disponible
U Uthman (KSA)
Supra-aortic trunk disease: Hot topics
Modérateurs :J Manaa, J Zemni, M Ben Mrad, M Gueldiche, R Abid
Management of Carotid artery disease in candidates to heart surgery
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M Bouayed (DZA)
Management of intracranial artery stenosis - Management of vertebrobasilar artery atherosclerosis
Vidéo disponible
N Hammami (TUN)
Surgical management of Takayasu arteritis
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M Ben Mrad (TUN)
A Practical Session for "EP Fans"
Modérateurs :S Chabrak, S Ouali, R Chrigui
In EP: Don't anticipate!
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S Kacem (TUN) - S Krichene (TUN)
Junctionnal tachycardia: Hide & Seek
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M Jabeur (TUN)
My best EP case !
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O Abuzuagaia (LBY)
A well-marked pathway..
Vidéo disponible
I Sanaa (TUN)
- 18:00
The latest updates in the Management of HF
Sponsorisé par
MS Mourali, S Krichene, L Abid
The latest updates in the Management of HF
Vidéo disponible
S Anker (DEU)
- 18:30
Haemodynamic performance and clinical outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve replacement with ACURATE neo2
Sponsorisé par
MS Mourali, N Hajlaoui, D Lahidheb, L Abid
Haemodynamic performance and clinical outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve replacement with ACURATE neo2
Vidéo disponible
Won-Keun Kim (DEU)
- 19:30
Session conjointe
Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Prevention
H Haouala, S Chabrak, H Charfeddine, A Haggui, S Kacem, A Moustaghfir
My patient has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Vidéo disponible
Y Ben Ameur (TUN)
My patient has a non hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (DCM/ LVNC/ARVC
Vidéo disponible
B Kichou (DZA)
My patient has a channelopathy
Vidéo disponible
S Marrakchi (FRA)
New EHRA consensus about genetic testing and sudden cardiac death
Vidéo disponible
C Leclerq (FRA)
Mini-invasive cardiac surgery : How to start ?
Modérateurs :MN Zargouni, R Denguir, A Jemal , A Tarmiz, M Pellerin
Minimally invasive surgical approach for single valve disease
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I Frikha (TUN)
Major tips and tricks in mini-invasive surgery for multivalvular disease
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U Uthman (KSA)
Endoscopic left atrial ablation: Technic and results
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K Zannis (FRA)
Meet the Editors !
Modérateurs :H Gamra, A Mbazaa, S Abdessalem, M Abdlehamid
How to best write your manuscript ?
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S Spencer (GBR)
Reviewer point of view
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K Sliwa (ZAF)
How to best answer the reviewer ‘s concern ?
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M Jessup (USA)
Paramedical Session 1 : Role of the Technician in the Cathlab
Modérateurs :S Mallek, H Denguir, A Naomen
Checklist in cathlab
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M Smida (TUN)
Rotapro Procedures
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F Ben Hmida (TUN)
VF mangement during a TAVI procedure
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H Fatnassi, C Smaoui (TUN)
Pericardial drainage
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A Rjili (TUN)
- 12:30
Ali Bousnina Awards: SAIPH
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- 09:30
Session conjointe
The Right Ventricle Failure: the State of Art
S Anker, M Ferjani, S Kraiem, M Drissa, S Charfeddine, H Hassen
Imaging and profiling in right ventricle failure
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P Y Turgean (CAN)
Chronic RV failure management
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M Abdelhamid (EGY)
Acute RV failure management
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A Mbazaa (FRA)
Cardiorenal syndrome: the key messages
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V Esnault (FRA)
Session conjointe
TAVR Session: who defeats the other: science or practice?
N Hajlaoui, D Lahidheb, E Kharrat, S Marouane
TAVR: how to resolve vascular access issues?
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A Tirouvanziam (FRA)
How to prevent peri-TAVR conduction Block?
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T Ellouze (TUN)
Valve in valve in practice
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O Zouaghi (FRA)
Guidelines on the management of TAVI
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M Gilard (FRA)
Focus on women's Hearts !
Modérateurs :E Boughzela, H Drissa, M Gilard, W Fehri, L Abid
Women Leadership
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K Sliwa (ZAF)
Coronary disease in women
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D Itchhaporia (USA)
Women & Heart failure
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M Jessup (USA)
The Big 4 Registry.Tn
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L Abid, W Fehri (TUN)
- 09:10
Session conjointe
Workshop Lung ultrasound courses for cardiologists - Session 1: Part 1
Sponsorisé par
Welcome remarks
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H Soliman (GBR)
Basics physics and knobology - Terminology of Lung Ultrasound
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H Soliman (GBR)
- 10:00
GLP-1 RA, a promising approach for managing type II diabetic patients with atheromatous disease and overweight
Sponsorisé par
S Abdessalem, R Hammami, S Boudiche
GLP-1 RA, a promising approach for managing type II diabetic patients with atheromatous disease and overweight.
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P Valensi (FRA)
- 10:30
Back to renal denervation
Sponsorisé par
J Langar, D Lahidheb, T Ellouze
Back to renal denervation
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H Dagmara (POL)
- 12:00
Heart failure: From HF-pEF to Sn-EF
Modérateurs :H Drissa, W Fehri, Y Ben Ameur, F Addad L Abid, S Milouchi
Amyloid cardiomyopathy: the red flag
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D Mohty (KSA)
Obesity therapy for HFpEF
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S Anker (DEU)
ICD and arrythmia ablation debates in HF-pEF
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W Amara (FRA)
European experts in Phlebology Session conjointe : Superficial venous insufficiency
Modérateurs :I Frikha, R Denguir, O Kammoun, A Ghorbel
How to assess and alleviate superficial venous insufficiency?
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F Vin (FRA)
When ready for endovenous ablation?
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S Zerrouk (FRA)
When ready for surgical ablation?
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C Jabeur (TUN)
Percutaneous endovenous treatment: the new techniques!
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K Chakkour (POL)
The classification of superficial vascular malformations itself is the basis of their management
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R Abid (TUN)
Tricuspid Regurgitation: No more secrets !
Modérateurs :F Betbout, S Kraiem, L Zakhama, H Mahjoub, M Abdennadher
How to select patients?
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D Attias (FRA)
Go for percutanously
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O Zouaghi (FRA)
Go for surgery
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M Bousnina (TUN)
Long term outcomes of Percutanous Treatment
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R Gallet (FRA)
- 13:00
Introduction to a new kind of cardio-oncology
Modérateurs :W Fehri, I Kammoun, S Charfeddine
focus on heart failure and arrhythmias in advanced cancer
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S Anker (DEU)
- 14:00
Session conjointe
Overcoming Barriers in PCI Practice
E Boughzela, M Gilard, S Kraiem,S Mallek, M Alsanag, M Abdelhamid
Overcoming professional barriers encountered by women in interventional Cardiology: An EAPCI statement
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M Mamas (GBR)
EAPCI consensus document: How to approach calcified lesions
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K Reczuch (POL)
The new EBC consensus document: Key messages on bifurcation PCI
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G Bennouna (MAR)
Restenosis in the New DES Era: A New challenge in cathlab
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R Hammami (TUN)
Session conjointe
How to «manage rhumatic valvular disease»
E Okello , A Mahdhaoui (TUN) K Boye (MRT)
My Success Story in Cardiovascular Surgey
Modérateurs :Ab Abid, A Tarmiz, M Bousnina, K Kaouel
An unusual complication of a Bentall Surgery!
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A Dammak (TUN), H Ben Jmaa (TUN)
An Unusual case of a ventricular arrhythmia post CABG
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M Abdennadher (TUN)
Surgical treatment during the same operative procedure of a heart and liver CHD
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W Ragmoun (TUN)
Vascular Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: when the aorto iliac aneurysm is just the tip of the iceberg
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Y Khadhar (TUN)
- 12:30
Mohamed Gueddiche Award - Adwya
Mohamed Gueddiche Award - Adwya
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- 15:00
Session conjointe
TAVR procedure : Challenging in Practice
M Gilard, MS Mourali, D Lahidheb, W Ben Ali, R Hammami, T Ellouze
Coronary lesion management in TAVR patients
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C Kavinsky (USA)
TAVR for aortic regurgitation
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TAVR in small annulus : tips and tricks
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M Alasnag (KSA)
DPM & CNAM & INEAS Session conjointe :
Modérateurs :S Gharbi, S Abdessalem, S Ben Hmida, A Hdhili, R Kechrid, L Abid
Issues in Cardiology in Tunisia
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(STCCCV) S Abdessalem (TUN)
Why long waiting for AMM?
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(DPM) A Hdhili (TUN)
Why long waiting for reimbursement ?
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(CNAM) S Hamida (TUN)
Why not reuse devices?
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(INEAS) M Ben Hammouda (TUN)
Session conjointe
Cardiovascular diseases challenges during pregnancy
F Mghaieth, D Abid, I Bouhlel, S Shaheen, Y Benchabi
Appropriate management of heart failure in the peripartum period
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K Sliwa (ZAF)
Aortic disease in pregnant women
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N Hamoudi (FRA)
- 15:30
Session conjointe
Workshop Lung ultrasound courses for cardiologists - Session 2: Part 2
- 15:30
Lecture: CV Readaptation in patients with Heart Failure
Modérateurs :L Bezdah, S Kraiem, A Mahdhaoui
A must in 2023
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M Ghannem (FRA)
- 00:00
Session conjointe
Lecture - Unmet needs in CCS
S. Abdessalem, L. Abid, S. Boudiche, R. N’Guetta
- 10:00
Interventional cardiology working Group : Cathlab of the Future
Modérateurs :R. Mechmech, H. Gamra
Panelists :R. Boujnah, D. Lahidheb, Z. Belhadj, R. Hammami